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Google Maps 3 Pack: A Game-Changer For Local SEO Strategy

Have you ever googled in search of a nearby restaurant, a gym, or a retail store? If yes, you’ve likely gotten results that include those from the “Google Maps 3 Pack.” Maybe even without knowing! 

If you are a business owner, you might wonder, “Why should it be a crucial part of my local SEO strategy?”

In this post, we will demystify Google 3 Pack, explain why it’s an absolute game-changer in local SEO, and provide tips to help your business land a spot in this coveted trifecta.

What Is Google Maps 3 Pack?

The Google Maps 3 Pack is the top three local business listings that appear directly below the map in Google search results. These listings are geographically related to your search query, which means they change based on your location.

Imagine yourself as a customer searching for a “pizza place near me.” Google will provide a list of businesses, but the top three appear right below the map – yes, that’s the Google Maps 3 Pack! It is the holy grail of local SEO.

Gain Smartphone Searchers

Why Is Having A Presence On Google Maps 3 Pack Important?

There are three main reasons:

Visibility – Simply put, being included in the Google 3 Pack makes your business more visible online. And in the world of business, visibility is synonymous with opportunity.

Trust – A presence in Google Maps 3 Pack helps build confidence in your business. This trust translates to your customers, increasing your business’s credibility.

Traffic and Sales – Businesses in the 3 Pack receive more clicks, driving more website traffic and leading to more sales.

Understanding the far-reaching benefits makes it easy to see why being listed in the 3 Pack is a boon for all local businesses – especially those interested in growing and capitalizing on opportunities. 

Missing Out? Don’t!

Businesses not included in the Google Maps 3 Pack miss these fantastic opportunities. With limited real estate on a user’s screen, most people focus on the top results. If you’re not in the 3 Pack, you’re essentially giving away potential customers to your competitors.

How To Make It To Google Maps 3 Pack

Don’t worry! There are actionable steps you can take to increase the chances of your business landing a spot in these prestigious positions:

Create Or Claim Your Google Business Profile – First, you must create or claim your Google Business Profile. Previously, this free offering from Google was called Google My Business or GMB. Make sure the listing is accurate and contains up-to-date information about your business.

Get Reviews And Ratings – Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings. Positive feedback significantly impacts your listing. Replying to all positive or negative feedback shows you value customer input.

Localized Keywords – Use local keywords in your content and Google Business Profile listing. For example, if you’re a pizza place that offers free delivery in Avon, choose keywords like “best pizza in Avon” or “Pizza delivery in Avon.” 

Website Optimization – To handle the extra website traffic your Google Business Profile sends, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and offers high-quality content. These factors contribute to a better user experience, which Google values.

Business Citations – Add your business to reputable online directories to further your reach and impact. Ensure your essential business details, such as a physical address, contact phone number, business hours, and other data, are consistent across all listings to make it easy for people to find and connect with you.

Connect Locally – Grow Exponentially!

Getting listed in the Google Maps 3 Pack is more than a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have for any business looking to grow locally. Increased visibility, credibility, and website traffic can significantly boost your business. 

Landing your spot might take time and effort, but with the right strategy, your local SEO game can go from ordinary to extraordinary.

Remember, the digital marketing world is ever-evolving, and staying ahead involves adapting to changes. So, hop on this opportunity and optimize your local SEO strategy today!

Remember, if it all feels overwhelming or you don’t have the time to do it yourself, the professionals at Busilisting can help with Google Maps 3 Pack marketing services. After all, every local business deserves to be discovered by its community. Let’s make it happen together! Contact us to start the conversation!


